The Greatest Wealth Is Health, Invest In Yourself.
— Maureen Stephenson-Lewis
Fitness event party

Are you tired of feeling anxious and guilt about going to the gym and can’t keep up with the pace of others?

Fed up with paying for gym membership you never use

Are you suffering from low energy?

Do you Want to look younger and feel better About your body?

Do you desire to get-up-and-go, to be flexible & move without pain to achieve everyday tasks?

Lets me help you make exercise enjoyable so you can reach your fitness goal in exciting and empowering Ways.


Join My Fitness Program & Change Your life!



Fitness Program Overview

Six Weeks Program:

Fitness from deep within that is not visible with the naked eyes. 
Frequency: 3 days a Week/One Hour Session. 
Duration: 30 min/ Aerobic/Anaerobic weight bearing
Workout Target: The four major components of physical Fitness: Flexibility, Cardiovascular fitness, Muscular Strength, Healthy percent of body fat. Fitness nutrition and the importance of rest and recovery.

Week 1: You are in the driver’s seat, it’s about supporting you


Individual Assessment: Postural Assessment, Listen to You! Life goals, Preferences, Strengths and Capabilities. Barriers, Level of commitment. Stabilization / Balance / Flexibility / Gratitude / Training.

Week 2: Pull it all together. It’s Your Plan!


Engage the Energy: Lifestyle Changes / Create a Game Plan for You: Teach you how to nourish and tonify your body. By nourishing yourself with every bite: To eat for your age, to make every bit count towards optimum vitality. Stabilization / Balance Training / Gratitude / Training.


Week 3: Plan to Fit into Your busy Schedule


Aerobic / Anaerobic weight bearing workout/ Gratitude/ Training. Teach you who to bring your focus inward: To love your Body / body parts you wish to hate. How to make the lunch bag your most valuable piece of accessory.


Week 4: Transformed to Fit Your Transformation


Target Exercises / Toning Exercises / Using a Foam Roller /Gratitude Training. Focusing on sculpting the body by paying special attention to the waist line, Hips, Thighs, strengthening the Core. With a strong truck, you are less likely to develop lower Back pain. Teach you how to integrate calcium rich foods and Anti-inflammatory and hormone-rich herbs in your everyday Life to help with aching joints.


Week 5: Farmer’s Market Tour / Cooking Demo


Empowered you to shop for fresh whole-foods that help you Manage your symptom naturally. And to use those foods to Make a meal. Strength Training / Gratitude Training.


Week 6: Celebration Time. Come On / Relaxation /Self Care


Nourish your Dream: What would your life be like if your Dreams come true? Inspire you to take actions to achieve Something you always wanted to do. (within reason of course) Encourage you to give yourself a “fitness day” before you Take a sick day. To nourish yourself by forcing on your Breath through gratitude meditation / Stretching exercises.